BMP’s for Roads and trails:


Workshop contents include:   

    • In depth discussion of the BMP Toolbox for forest roads and trails.
    • Introduction and use of the BMP Rapid Assessment Methodology (RAM)
    • MFS BMP monitoring protocol with current trends.
    • Principles of soils erosion.
    • Principles of water flow control.
    • Principles of slope stabilization.
    • Introduction to Road construction basics.
    • BMP Planning and implementation options
    • EZ Bar video and demonstration of hydrology and soils erosion principles utilizing a flume table.

Workshop format – 2 day program

Day 1 – ½ day class room or zoom format presentations, ½ day Rapid Assessment in the field.

Day 2 – In field assessment and discussion of a variety of operational situations, plus options for corrective actions and future planning. (This course covers from a stream’s high water mark to height of land. The stream crossing is covered by other training courses)

Prerequisites required – None