Forestry Hotline
Do you have questions about a forest harvest in your neighborhood? If so, call 1-888-SFI-GOAL. As part of the SFI program, SFI Participating companies have made this toll-free number available in order to respond to questions about site-specific forest practices that appear inconsistent with SFI Standards. If an SFI Participant owns the land or is buying the wood from a site that is questioned, that company will follow up on the call.
This toll-free number has been established to foster a dialogue with the public on forest practices and to facilitate the use of good forestry practices. SFI Participating companies want to understand issues of public concern and identify areas for improvement.
This is not an enforcement program. It is a commitment to practice responsible forestry, to recognize responsible wood harvesters, and to educate and inform people about good forest practices. It represents a partnership between loggers, foresters, landowners, and wood buyers. The focus of this program is to address concerns so that responsible forestry can continue.
At the same time, this program recognizes the rights and concerns of Maine’s 180,000 private forest landowners. One of the basic principles of SFI is to encourage third party input into the way companies do business. That is why, if you have a site-specific question, we invite you to call 1-888-SFI-GOAL (1-888-734-4625). All calls are confidential.