With about 90 percent of Maine covered by forests, it is no surprise that the citizens of Maine want to know that the people who own and work in the Maine woods are managing them with an eye toward keeping them productive for the present and sustained for future generations.
That’s where the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) comes in. SFI is a program designed to ensure that forests in Maine and across the country are managed sustainably. The Program fosters continuous improvement in forest management by requiring forest professionals – including landowners, loggers, and mill owners – to commit to ongoing research, continuing professional education, and consistent communication with the general public concerning developments within the SFI Program.
What’s New!
The Maine SFI Implementation Committee hires Peter B. Johnson to lead the organization
Non-profit organization serves 7.8 million acres of land certified to SFI sustainability standard in Maine
The Maine Sustainable Forestry Initiative’s State Implementation Committee (Maine SIC) is pleased to announce that Peter B. Johnson of Rangeley has joined the organization as the next Program Coordinator. As Coordinator, Pete will facilitate the implementation of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative’s standard through projects and programs administered by the Maine SIC.
The Maine SIC is a diverse group of volunteers dedicated to advancing sustainable forestry practices in Maine. It is comprised of private and public landowners, primary and secondary wood processing mills, state agencies, and other forest industry interests and stakeholders.
As Program Coordinator, Pete will work with the SIC steering committee, member companies and partners to build on the organization’s legacy of developing quality training programs that promote safety, strengthen Maine’s forest professionals and protect Maine’s natural resources. Since 2019, Maine SIC has trained 900 forest practitioners on best management practices for water quality protections, 400 migrant workers on CPR and road safety, and 150 individuals seeking to add marketable skills. It has also trained 80 trainers, providing quality and consistency.
“The Maine and regional forest industry can attribute much of its success to the unique and long-term relationships maintained between landowners, logging and hauling contractors, wood using facilities, state agencies, and stakeholders. SFI plays a key role in ensuring that these relationships are successful and that they are maintained. I look forward to continuing to maintain good relationships with all participants and meeting new people along the way” – Peter B. Johnson
Pete recently retired as the Environmental and Certification Manager at Seven Islands Land Company (SILC). For over 20 years, he was the SILC Rangeley Unit Manager. Early in his career he worked for both International Paper Company and Diamond Occidental Forest. Pete is a 1985 graduate of the University of Maine at Orono’s College of Forestry. He lives in Rangeley, Maine on his certified Tree Farm.
The SFI Implementation Committee (SIC) is an independent nonprofit organization established exclusively for charitable and educational purposes including engaging in outreach and educational programs. The SIC’s mission is to increase public awareness and understanding of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and the environmental, social, and economic benefits of sustainable forestry, to increase public awareness and understanding of sustainable forestry practices in Maine, and to assist organizations in Maine in securing and maintaining SFI Certification. 7.8 million acres are currently certified to the SFI standard of sustainable forestry in Maine.
“On behalf of the Maine SIC and its members, we are excited to have such an experienced and diverse individual as Pete to assume the role of Maine’s next SIC Coordinator. Pete not only brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from the certification space, but he is also well connected with the logging and trucking community and has developed long-standing relationships with large and small landowners, area mills, and other industry stakeholders. Pete is clearly well connected and respected among a broad spectrum of industry peers, making him an ideal fit for the role.
We look forward to collaborating with Pete as he challenges our industry to build upon the tremendous amount of work that has been done over the past few decades to drive future success for all SIC stakeholders. Please feel free to reach out to Pete with your support and any thoughts you have regarding the SIC’s engagement with its members. The future looks bright!” – Stephen Pollis – Chairperson of the Maine SFI State Implementation Committee
Maine SIC wins 2023 SFI Achievement Award
Vancouver, Canada — The Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc. (SFI) announced today that the Maine SFI Implementation Committee is the winner of the 2023 SFI Implementation Committee Achievement Award. This award, announced at the SFI Annual Conference, recognizes the exceptional work of the grassroots network of SFI Implementation Committees across the U.S. and Canada. Groups ranging from Habitat for Humanity and Boy Scouts to universities and Ducks Unlimited Canada work with SFI Implementation Committees.
“SFI Standards are on the frontlines when it comes to the most pressing issues facing forest sector organizations and the lands they care for. It’s very gratifying for everyone connected to the Maine SFI Implementation Committee to be recognized for helping to maximize SFI’s leadership, reach, and impact,” said Pat Sirois, Maine SFI Implementation Committee Coordinator. Read more.
2024 Maine SIC Annual Report
Link to all SIC Annual Reports
Beginning in 2025, the Maine SIC will be a standalone organization with contemporary programing and policies. The focus will be on research to continually improve our best practices, training on relevant topics for forestry practitioners, and transparency to the public on forest management practices throughout the state.
The SIC and its extensive community of partners can feel optimistic in their ability to address sustainable forestry challenges in Maine far into the future as they have for the past 29 years.
SIC, CLP help build outdoor classroom
It was like a barn raising – only without the barn. Over three days this summer, volunteers from across Maine’s forest community helped create an outdoor classroom pavilion for the Maine TREE Foundation at the Holt Research Forest in Arrowsic.
“Maine TREE is excited about the opportunity to bring teachers, students and the community into closer contact with the research, data and hands-on experience at our own Holt Forest,” said Sherry Huber, executive director. “We are especially grateful to University of Maine resident scientist Jack Witham, Maine SFI Director Patrick Sirois and all the volunteers who pitched in and to those who donated materials to make our Outdoor Classroom a reality over this past summer.” Read more.
Great News about LEED Recognizing SFI, ATFS, CSA and PEFC
At SFI we believe the future of our forests and our shared quality of life depend on strengthening the vital links between healthy forests, responsible purchasing and sustainable communities. The U.S. Green Building Council’s move to recognize SFI for LEED credit underscores those links and validates and sustains the many communities and the millions of people who work every day to ensure responsibly managed forests provide the many benefits we cannot live without.
The new LEED alternative compliance path (ACP) recognizes wood and paper products certified to SFI, ATFS, CSA and other PEFC endorsed standards. See SFI’s press release announcing the news.
Technical fact sheet– walks through the LEED credit requirements.
General Green Building and SFI Fact Sheet
Please join other SFI members in helping Pine Tree Camp build new cabins
By Erin Rice, Marketing and Development Director, Pine Tree Society (Read Letter)
FIN FACTS: Fisheries Improvement Network … click here for more Information …
Adoption of Carbon Credit Programs among SFI Participants in Maine
Keeping Maine’s Forests (KMF) collaborated with Maine’s Implementation Committee of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) to undertake a study of Maine’s SFI-certified landowners’ participation in carbon credit programs. Forest lands must be certified as sustainably managed in order to be eligible for the California carbon credit market, and millions of acres of Maine’s commercial forest lands are enrolled in the SFI program, yet none has enrolled in potentially lucrative carbon credit programs. The KMF study enlists the expertise of a panel of advisors from the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute, Maine land managers and forestry experts, and a professional carbon project developer to find out why. Download file Carbon Markets in Maine
Maine Public Radio Story on Stream Restoration Initiative
Maine Public Television Story on Fish Passage
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program was a response to the public’s obvious concern about the long-term sustainability of the country’s forest resources.
In practice, the SFI program involves the development and implementation of forest management standards that, in addition to requiring sustainable levels of forest harvesting, are dedicated to, among other things:
- the protection of water quality
- the management of wildlife habitat
- the protection of rare plants
- the conservation of biodiversity
- the application of science-based forestry and
- the protection of soil productivity
In broader terms, the five underlying principles of SFI are to:
- Meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.
- Promote environmentally and economically responsible practices.
- Improve forest health and productivity.
- Manage our forests to protect their special qualities.
- Continuously improve forest management and measure progress.
SFI Inc. is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that is solely responsible for maintaining, overseeing and improving the internationally recognized Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) program. Across the United States and Canada, 240 million acres /nearly 100 million hectares are certified to the SFI forest management standard. In addition, the SFI program’s unique fiber sourcing requirements promote responsible forest management on all suppliers’ lands. SFI chain of custody (COC) certification tracks the percentage of fiber from certified forests, certified sourcing and post-consumer recycled content. SFI on product labels identify both certified sourcing and COC claims to help consumers make responsible purchasing decisions. SFI Inc. is governed by a three chamber board of directors representing environmental, social and economic sectors equally. Learn more at http://www.sfiprogram.org/ and http://sfiprogram.org/BuySFI.